Vine City Values

Vine City Values

use left & right or the tabs for 20 core values that make up Vine City Church


jesus is the center

It’s about: Everything Flows from Jesus. We abide in Him who is our rest and from there everything flows. Our fruit, works, worship, and blessing flow from our relationship within Him.


we believe in dreaming big and starting small.

It’s about: Foundation.


we are a people of process.

It’s about: Not Jumping Ahead of the Process, Following the Steps of Growth.


we Love & honor one another to glorify god.

It’s about: Valuing People. Love God, Love Others. It’s about respecting and lifting each other up no matter what role or position. We honor every form of our leadership and leadership honors every person.
use left & right or the tabs for 20 core values that make up Vine City Church


We are contributors, not consumers.  

It's about: Taking Action.


We think outside the box.

It's about: Embracing Dreams by Active Faith. 


We run to win.

It’s about: Focused Excellence. We don’t box as one beating the air.  (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)


We don't just survive, we thrive.

It’s about: Ongoing Growth. We understand it’s not our ability, but Christ within us. We are willing and obedient vessels who dare to say yes. We will lay aside every weight that hinders our “yes” to God.
use left & right or the tabs for 20 core values that make up Vine City Church


We eat the meat and spit out the bones.

It’s about:  Teachable Attitudes. We recognize that God knows better than we do. 


We will seize each moment. 

It’s about: Expressing Gratitude. We understand the importance of right now, not living in the past, or being caught up in the future.  


We will not have an entitlement attitude.

It’s about: Our Service to the Lord Isn't About Selfish Ambition. (James 3:16)


We are united through christ.

It’s about:  Our Unity Doesn't Stem from a Common Goal. It comes from our personal relationship with Jesus. As we draw closer to Him we draw closer to each other.   
use left & right or the tabs for 20 core values that make up Vine City Church


we will be unshakeable and sustainable.

It’s about: Not the Quantity of People but the Quality of Hearts. It’s about being deeply rooted in Christ so that even in hard times the people of God stand together on His word. We are a church that trials and tribulations cannot shake away.


we will be a place of restoration.

It’s about: Hope and Healing for All People. 


we will be a people who abide in the rest of god. 

It’s about: An Intentional Relationship with God.


we give because our father is a giver.

It’s about: As He Is, So Are We in This World. We give our tithe and offering understanding the father is in every seed. He is the farmer, vine dresser and He gives seed to the sower. God is a Giver. All of Christianity is built on this one thing: God Gave. (John 3:16)
use left & right or the tabs for 20 core values that make up Vine City Church


we are a people who position ourselves to hear from god.

It’s about: Intentional Prayer, Worship, and Studying The Word of God.


we are not a people that go through the motions.

It’s about: A Real Relationship with The Real God.   


we will not be firecrackers.

It’s about: Hearts That Root in the Purpose and Vision of the Church Community. We will not be a people who only seek the next big thing. We are committed and loyal to our purpose. It’s about being dependable, not being one who blows in and blows out.  


we are a church built upon the rock.

It’s about: Having a Revelation of Who Jesus Is. On this rock, Jesus said, “I will build my church.” (Matthew 16:13-19)


jesus is the center

It’s about: Everything Flows from Jesus. We abide in Him who is our rest and from there everything flows. Our fruit, works, worship, and blessing flow from our relationship within Him.


we believe in dreaming big and starting small.

It’s about: Foundation.


we are a people of process.

It’s about: Not Jumping Ahead of the Process, Following the Steps of Growth.


we love & honor one another to glorify god.

It’s about: Valuing People. Love God, Love Others. It’s about respecting and lifting each other up no matter what role or position. We honor every form of our leadership and leadership honors every person.


We are contributors, not consumers.  

It's about: Taking Action.


We think outside the box.

It's about: Embracing Dreams by Active Faith. 


We run to win.

It’s about: Focused Excellence. We don’t box as one beating the air.  (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)


We don't just survive, we thrive.

It’s about: Ongoing Growth. We understand it’s not our ability, but Christ within us. We are willing and obedient vessels who dare to say yes. We will lay aside every weight that hinders our “yes” to God.


We eat the meat and spit out the bones.

It’s about:  Teachable Attitudes. We recognize that God knows better than we do. 


We will seize each moment. 

It’s about: Expressing Gratitude. We understand the importance of right now, not living in the past, or being caught up in the future.  


We will not have an entitlement attitude.

It’s about: Our Service to the Lord Isn't About Selfish Ambition. (James 3:16)


We are united through christ.

It’s about:  Our Unity Doesn't Stem from a Common Goal. It comes from our personal relationship with Jesus. As we draw closer to Him we draw closer to each other.   


we will be unshakeable and sustainable.

It’s about: Not the Quantity of People but the Quality of Hearts. It’s about being deeply rooted in Christ so that even in hard times the people of God stand together on His word. We are a church that trials and tribulations cannot shake away.


we will be a place of restoration.

It’s about: Hope and Healing for All People. 


we will be a people who abide in the rest of god. 

It’s about: An Intentional Relationship with God.


we give because our father is a giver.

It’s about: As He Is, So Are We in This World. We give our tithe and offering understanding the father is in every seed. He is the farmer, vine dresser and He gives seed to the sower. God is a Giver. All of Christianity is built on this one thing: God Gave. (John 3:16)


we are a people who position ourselves to hear from god.

It’s about: Intentional Prayer, Worship, and Studying The Word of God.


we are not a people that go through the motions.

It’s about: A Real Relationship with The Real God.   


we will not be firecrackers.

It’s about: Hearts That Root in the Purpose and Vision of the Church Community. We will not be a people who only seek the next big thing. We are committed and loyal to our purpose. It’s about being dependable, not being one who blows in and blows out.  


we are a church built upon the rock.

It’s about: Having a Revelation of Who Jesus Is. On this rock, Jesus said, “I will build my church.” (Matthew 16:13-19)